How to be a “gold star” remote meeting participant

Let’s face it, remote meetings i.e. conference calls have a bad rap, for good reason. It’s hard to stay focused, and feel connected. If you aren't using video, remember the meeting speakers can't see your face to know if you agree, disagree, are confused, etc. You're in the meeting for a reason, so let your presence and voice be felt. You have three jobs to be a rock star participant: 

  1. When you talk, say your name, so people can connect your voice to who you are
  2. Participate. Ask questions, say what you think (at appropriate times, of course) 
  3. Stay focused. This is the hardest thing. Here’s what we recommend, if you’re on a conference call without video:  

  • Jen uses a stress ball and that adult play dough on her calls to keep her hands busy
  • Evan walks around, just moving helps him stay focused 
  • Jack peels garlic in his kitchen (hey, whatever works) 
  • Having images to look at mindlessly while you’re mindfully on your call can help too- pull up pinterest “travel pictures” 
  • Take notes. Writing things down helps stay present.


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