3 Ways Our Team is Thriving at Home

How we're thriving at home during a pandemic

OMG. The kids are home for 3+ weeks, and we are also trying to get some work done remotely while we all navigate this pandemic together. Here’s what we’re doing so far in the Thrive family. We’ll keep posting as we keep creating. 


Evan and his five year old son, Henry, are writing, producing and getting their family members and pets to act in their very own Batman movie thanks to iMovie. They’re making costumes, sets, script writing, the whole deal. We can’t wait to have a movie screening when we’re on the other side of all this! 


I sat down with my family (Will (11), Sylvia (8) and husband, Dan) to make our big huge list of: 

  • Things we want to try or do
  • Things we want to learn 
  • Books to read 
  • Movies to watch
  • Places we can go (outside) 
  • Must dos

Some of the more exciting list items include “baseball day” to be led by Will. It’s looking like a real serious schedule of skill building, scrimmaging and stretching. Wish me luck and stay tuned. Sylvia wants to learn how to make cake pops and she’s leading a gymnastics afternoon. We all want to try baking bread. Must dos include cleaning (what better opportunity than this to teach some cleaning skills to last a lifetime), writing notes and letters to older family members and neighbors, and going outside as much as possible. 


Jack is checking in frequently with his Dad who is 93, is super active, and lives alone. He’s checking in more often now since his Dad needs to stay home to stay safe. Jack has a small check-list of questions to ask every time he talks with him, so that he can stay as supportive as possible and keep track of what his Dad needs: 

How are you feeling? 

What are you eating? 

Who are you hearing from (family and friends)? 

Are you getting outside? 

Do you need anything?

Can I help with anything around the house? Yard work? Cleaning? House projects?  

3 good things: 

One of our favorite researchers, Martin Seligman, came up with the “3 good things” exercise a while back. We use this to start and end meetings at work, asking everyone to name one good thing in the past few days (this is an amazing way to create connection especially in remote meetings). Our pediatrician’s office suggested in their latest email, to use this at home, and we love it. Everyday, have your family members name 3 good things (things they’re happy about, they appreciate, they’re grateful for, they love). The research shows that this has a profound effect over time, making us more optimistic, hopeful, and able to experience positive emotions. We all need this right now. It’s simple. It’s worth it. 


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