Lead Forward

An engaging, practical, and powerful learning model combining group teaching with individual learning. We distill theory into practical strategies and address the unique challenges of individuals through coaching. The result? Faster and more relevant learning.

We call the experience, “Lead Forward.”

Strengthening Culture. Change. Hybrid Work. Talent. Burnout. Belonging. Fixing Workflow.

These are some of the biggest challenges faced in workplaces today. Leaders at all levels are being asked to learn their way through these challenges to create a better future for themselves, their teams, and their organizations.

Lead Forward

From decades of experience, we know that learning sticks when teaching is paired with coaching. We take the latest research, translate it into strategies and tools that work, and help leaders apply them to their trickiest questions, challenges, and situations.

Over the course of 10-12 monthly group sessions and individual coaching sessions, leaders will...

  • Explore real situations and challenges in a safe and supportive environment

  • Adopt immediately applicable strategies, language, and approaches

  • Build and strengthen connections with peers

  • Receive personalized learning through individual coaching because every leader’s experience and context are different

Common Questions Explored

How do I…?

Help people take more initiative?

Create a team where people feel like they matter?

Motivate people?

Deal with stress and burnout on my team?

Keep people connected when we’re hybrid and remote?

Lead change without making people mad?

Get my team on the same page?

Hold people accountable?

Do feedback well?

Get younger talent to stay and thrive here?

Build a strong culture?

Get things done when the politics are intense?

What Leaders Say About Our Work Together

“I can now see how the way I approach my team and the language I use changes everything.”

“Making our work visible made this our best tax season ever, even when we were all working from home.”

“I love feeling prepared to manage even the most complex situations and difficult conversations.”

“I never thought I’d see someone with such huge performance issues turn around on a dime when I started talking about values-based agreements.”

“I have a lot more political influence since I started working on building trust with my colleagues...and you’re so right that it’s all about language.”

“I don’t have to be an a**hole to get people to listen to me!”

“I thought I was doing all the right things. I didn’t understand why employee feedback from my team was so awful. Now, we couldn’t be doing better, and I just got promoted to lead organizational culture!”

“Experiments got my team moving in the right direction, finally.”

“Figuring out how to help people develop the right skills, and how to understand how they’re thinking about their work transformed how I approach delegation.”

Interested in Lead Forward?

We would love to talk more about working together. Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you or you can book a call directly here.

There’s nothing more powerful than a team working together at its best to make something important happen in our world. With great leadership, we believe workplaces are launchpads for meaningful living and a healthier world.