Spring 2020 Offerings

Here we are, in the middle of a public health crisis. Many of us are a month into sheltering at home, working remotely, homeschooling our children, unsure how much longer this will continue. Some have been navigating all that on top of being sick or caring for sick loved ones.

We’ve been coaching leaders we serve, a lot. Leaders are making unbelievably hard decisions, grappling with questions none of us imagined possible. And… we join all the leaders who are getting up each morning and taking the next step forward, to lead, to do our work, whatever form it takes. 

We’re here for you now, in the days and months to come, and beyond. Where work continues, we are here to support you, your teams, your people. We’ve been doing the remote thing for years.  We can support you beyond surviving into thriving remotely. Our team and methodology around leadership, team building and team engagement, planning, learning, individual and team resilience is here for you. 

As we all settle into our “normal for now”, we’re here to help you thrive at work, remotely. Reach out and let us know what kind of support you could use right now. 

Facilitating Remote Meetings, Team Sessions and Retreats 

Need to get the team together for an important meeting? Have a team session planned but need some support making it engaging and effective remotely? Maybe you had a retreat on the calendar and aren’t quite sure how to make it happen virtually? We’ve got you covered. We’ll work with you to design and facilitate any kind of team gathering remotely. 

Developing and Training Your Leaders Remotely

Training and learning with your team can be more important now than ever. If you were planning training or learning sessions, we can help you shift them to virtual. If your team could use a “boost”, given our new reality, we have tools and strategies to help, including: 

  • How to create meaningful connections, remotely 
  • How to build resilience and empathy with your team during this time of crisis 
  • The power of self-compassion for leaders 

Leading Virtual Strategic and Agile Planning

Planning during so much uncertainty can feel challenging. We can help. Our agile approach to planning integrates uncertainty, questions and concerns. It leverages strengths we already have to build new possibilities. Right now, we can’t plan for one linear path forward. Our planning keeps you flexible and ready for what comes next. Connect with us for more information on: 

Strategic planning; For the whole organization/company

Scenario planning; Imagining multiple paths forward

Team/ department planning; Connecting the team’s plan and work to the larger whole

Succession planning; to ensure leadership sustainability 

Tracking and Growing your Culture 

Working remotely means we have to be more intentional than ever in maintaining and developing team and organizational culture. How people feel, what you believe and value together can make or break what you get done, the quality of work you show up with, how engaged and creative people are. Our Culture Mapping assesses the strengths of your team culture and areas where people want to develop. The result? A culture roadmap for each team so they can build on their strengths and take on areas they want to develop with the guidance and strategies we include. We’re always available to support, teach and facilitate the growth your teams want to take on. 

Just in Time Coaching and Support for Leaders

A crisis requires leaders to be at their best. Everyone is looking to leaders to be strong, clear, decisive, reassuring and authentic.  Even the most talented, seasoned leaders are being tested now, and it can be hard day after day, to show up for your teams when there’s still so much ahead of us. We’re here for you with tools and strategies, as creative partners and thinkers, as a supportive space to share the hardest moments, the biggest challenges. Sign up for a one-time session, a six-month package, or anything in between. 


The Art of Remote Etiquette


An Ideal Time to Sharpen Your Leadership Mindset