Relieve Remote Work Fatigue With Our Five Days to Thrive DIY Retreat

The fatigue you’re seeing in some of your team members, and maybe yourself? The cocktail of anxiety and stress living through a global pandemic is real. In the past two weeks we’ve also experienced the deep emotions and actions of communities responding to racial injustice. And it’s not like we didn’t come into this with challenges to begin with. Back in February, things weren’t necessarily unicorns and rainbows for everyone. 

The nutshell? Our brains are wired for the ease and efficiency of routine. Since March, our brains have been working overtime to adjust, to build new routines when the old ones vanished overnight, to learn new ways of working and surviving in the world. Our brains are always “on”, keeping up with and thinking through constantly changing information and rules to keep us safe in situations we didn’t even think about before like a quick trip to the grocery store. Add in the weight of participating in or watching our world respond to the reality of deep injustice and inequity. The result?  We’re tired. Focusing is hard. Sleep doesn’t come easy. We’re overwhelmed. We’re depressed. Some people are working a whole lot more. We feel helpless. We’re burning out. It’s normal.

If this is happening for you or those you lead, there are things you can do to help. We’re lucky to have well-researched practices that are proven to shift emotions, help us find focus and build up our “emotional immune system” to weather the hardships and challenges of everyday living and working right now. 

We’re coaching and teaching mini-workshops around the practices that work. We also put together a Five Days to Thrive mini-retreat that can be self-led or facilitated by us. Each day starts with a video and is followed by reflection questions and activities in a retreat guide. Use it as a 5-day personal retreat to refresh and rest, or include it as a part of your workday if taking time off isn’t an option. It’s all designed to get you grounded, reconnected with what you can control, and focused so you can take care of the people you care about, get your work done well, and work toward a future you help create. 

Get in touch to learn more


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